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5 ways to lead effective meetings with your remote team

Is your team connecting while working remote? Leading with empathy and energy can be a challenge in virtual meetings. In this article from #Entreprenuer you’ll find five ways to lead virtual meetings more effectively—like setting an agenda, staying focused, and not running over time. Read on for more.

Worldwide logistics provider connects the dots, boosts ROI with Dynamics 365 Marketing

The real engine behind global logistics? It’s all about a smooth collaboration between sales and marketing. Learn how #BroekmanLogistics used @Microsoft #Dynamics365 to unify their teams, increase sales, and gain valuable insights:

Enabling your remote workforce infographic

Looking for a virtual environment to make work more accessible, flexible, and secure? How about saving money too? Learn the benefits of Windows Virtual Desktop here.

Digital selling insights

Develop an action plan and adjust strategies for your team by compiling an accurate “big picture.” Discover five important keys to provide insights and recommendations to your team with this infographic from @Microsoft:

Security beyond Microsoft products

Maintain security across devices and platforms, with two factor authentication and integrated Threat Protection. @Microsoft365 is making security simple once again. See the video below for more.

Microsoft 365 And Surface: Better Together

.@Microsoft 365 and Surface: better together! Save time—up to 9 hours per week—when using @Microsoft 365 on Surface devices. That represents an 11% increase in your ROI, and employees enjoy greater teamwork capabilities, fewer frustrations, enhanced mobility, and more. To additional details, check out this infographic, brought to you by UGM Enterprises, Inc..


For news, insights, and guidance on @Microsoft tools and solutions, follow UGM Enterprises, Inc. and subscribe now.

HP uses artificial intelligence to transform its customer support experience

To handle 600 million technical support contacts with an agile business process, HP built a virtual agent using the Microsoft Dynamics 365 AI solution for customer service. This video explains what they did and how they are providing a satisfying experience for their customers.

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Activate Digital Selling with @Microsoft and #Dynamics365 allows you to streamline your sales collaboration, driving productivity and efficiency. Subscribe now to learn more.

The 4 factors of the new ROI equation

.@Microsoft Surface and the new ROI equation. Surface devices give you the 4 components of this equation: flexibility, security, creativity, and power. Up to 76% of users agree that Surface devices increase satisfaction—and when powered by Microsoft 365, security breaches drop by 50% while remediation costs go down by 80%. Take a look at this brochure, brought to you by UGM Enterprises, Inc., to learn more.