All posts by Carl Edouarde

Airlines, among other major industries, confident with Teams as its hub

For many businesses, lost time is lost money. An Air Traffic Controller whose team utilizes Microsoft Teams acknowledged, “Every moment an aircraft is grounded is revenue loss for the company. My job is to keep the flights running on time.” Whether the task is to monitor and direct the aircraft on the ground and in the air, issue landing and take-off instructions to pilots, or alert airport response staff in case of emergencies—airport staff need to be confident in the tools they use. @MicrosoftTeams provides that confidence.

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How AI is finding patterns and anomalies in your data

As artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) become more developed, organizations are discovering innovative ways to use these technologies to help them identify actionable insights and drive greater efficiency. In this article, you’ll learn about the pattern-matching capabilities of #AI and how they are being implemented to help businesses uncover the true potential of their data, empowering them with new perspectives about their businesses processes.

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A company crazy about chocolate, serious about people, uses Microsoft Teams to build personal relationships

When you add telephony capabilities to your existing @Microsoft Teams, you equip your team with a powerful system that has everything available in one single interface. Learn how #TonysChocolonely, an Amsterdam impact and chocolate company, uses this system to coordinate easily with their workers in Europe, America, and Africa.

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Grant Thornton closes new opportunities faster with Dynamics 365 Sales Insights and AI

Grant Thornton is a global public #accounting and consulting firm that serves the largest global companies in the world, both public and private. With @Azure and #Dynamics365, they tie macro-level economic trends to micro-level needs and deliver that information to team members around the world. Learn more about how they use Microsoft solutions to meet company needs with this video:

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