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Using AI To Augment Customer Service Agents

With digital transformation, you can transition customer service from a cost center to nurturer of brand devotees. Check out this blog for insight on how enlightened organizations use technology and automation to empower knowledge workers to augment and enhance customer experiences.

Is Your Email System as Advanced as its Attackers?

Is your email system as advanced as its attackers? The cost of a data breach or other attack is more than you think. Office 365 Advanced Threat Protection and *[$profile.organization*] can help you stay ahead.

Integral Analytics switches to Azure from AWS for high performance and cost-effective data warehousing

“Data doesn’t become decision making without intelligence in the middle, and that’s where Azure and AI put themselves together,” Kevin Kushman, COO of Integral Analytics said. Watch this video to learn more about how Microsoft helped them save money and presented an easy to understand architecture that they could immediately start making use of.

Sales Engagement – The Definitive Guide

What makes sales engagement technologies different from other “new innovations” when it comes to adopting them for your business? This biggest difference is that sales reps are actually happy to use them. Unlike past technologies that were more of a chore for reps, simply providing data to higher ups, sales engagement technology, like Dynamics 365, adds value directly to the tasks sales reps perform throughout the day: from identifying new prospects to deepening relationships with current customers. Invest in a technology that your sales reps will actually use and will provide a ROI for your business. Contact us to learn more.

What Is Mixed Reality And What Does It Mean for Enterprise?

Over 80% of enterprises in a recent survey predicted they might be using mixed reality in their businesses within the next three years. These businesses understand that mixed reality and AI could give you the ability to attend face-to-face meetings around the world without ever leaving your office. With advanced technology, you could walk employees through a complex assembly process, step by step. The possibilities are just beginning to be uncovered. At UGM Enterprises, Inc., we can help you get the most of your AI investment. Contact us today to learn how we can help you get there.

Empowered By Technology, Wealth Managers Will Take Personalization To The Next Level

The value of deeper insight into your customers can affect the new products and services you offer. It can grow your business in ways you hadn’t even considered. Today’s customers expect more. Read this article and reach out to UGM Enterprises, Inc. to find out how to implement and make AI work for you.

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Goodyear mobilizes with Microsoft 365

With Microsoft 365, UGM Enterprises, Inc. helps customers speed innovation & simplify operations with secure, cloud-based productivity tools. For inspiration, watch video showing how Goodyear modernized with Microsoft 365.

Bootiful Azure: Taking Your First Steps with Microsoft Azure (1/6)

If you’re a developer using Spring Boot to develop your applications and are interested in using Microsoft Azure as your base, check out this mini-series. It walks you through the advantages of Microsoft Azure as a platform for your applications and ways to leverage its unique advantages to get the most out of your creation. Still have questions? UGM Enterprises, Inc. is here to support your business in everything from the selection of the right platform to match your needs to taking your application to the next level. Contact us to learn more.

HP Device as a Service (DaaS)

Brought to you by UGM Enterprises, Inc., HP’s solution brief goes beyond an introduction to Device as a Service. It also highlights the mission-critical services you can bundle into your monthly DaaS subscription. Read about how you can optimize your IT assets and resources with DaaS. It’s a complete solution that combines hardware, software, insightful analytics, proactive management, and services for every stage of the device lifecycle. It’s a way to get the right devices for every job, because you can choose a device mix that’s as unique as your business.